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For the First Time Ever, More Than Half of Americans Reported Taking at Least One Airline Trip 

“Air Travelers in America” survey shows strides industry has made

WASHINGTON, March 28, 2025 – Airlines for America (A4A), the industry trade organization for the leading U.S. airlines, is pleased to announce the results of its latest annual survey, “Air Travelers in America,” conducted by Ipsos in January 2025. The report collects vital statistics about air travel and consumer preferences for all of 2024.

The full report can be viewed here.

“For the first time ever, more than half of Americans reported taking at least one airline trip in the past 12 months (2024). Travelers continue to benefit from the investments airlines and airports have made in improving the customer experience, including through technology,” said A4A Vice President and Chief Economist John Heimlich.

“Our polling research shows that air travelers embrace websites and apps to comparison-shop and purchase tickets, check in for flights and board aircraft. And they continue to rank low prices #1 in creating a positive travel experience,” said Annaleise Lohr, Research Director at Ipsos.


As air travel has become more accessible and affordable, more Americans have taken to the skies.

  • Nearly 90% of Americans have flown commercially, with adults aged 18-24 having had the highest propensity to fly in 2024.
  • More than two-thirds of Americans with household incomes under $75,000 have flown in the past five years.

The vast majority of passengers were satisfied with their air travel experience in 2024.

  • Only 2% reported being “very dissatisfied.”

Overall, when choosing which flight to take, price remains the dominant consideration.

  • More than half ranked price as their top consideration.
  • Wi-Fi, carry-on luggage space and airline mobile apps are lesser considerations.

Flyers are taking advantage of the investments carriers have made in their mobile apps and IT systems for a speedier, touch-free customer experience.

  • In 2024, 80% of American travelers checked in electronically, up 28 points from 2019.
  • More than half of flyers check in using their mobile device.
  • More than two-thirds of flyers use their mobile device to board the aircraft, up 24 points from 2018.

About the survey

The Air Travelers in America survey was conducted Jan. 7-22, 2025, screened a national sample of 3,667 American adults (age 18 or older) via the probability-based Ipsos KnowledgePanel®.


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