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A4A Statement on the Nomination of Michael Whitaker to Lead the FAA

We applaud the Administration’s action to submit a nomination to the U.S. Senate for FAA Administrator. The U.S. aviation industry is currently facing critical challenges and significant opportunities in management of the National Airspace System (NAS). As passenger travel continues to grow and Americans rely daily on cargo shipments, the system must keep up. New entrants, new technologies and innovations must be integrated into the system. A permanent, confirmed FAA Administrator is needed to provide leadership, stability and vision for the NAS, which is becoming more complex and more important every day.

Michael Whitaker has extensive experience working on a range of priorities including NextGen modernization at both the FAA and at major airlines. He has a deep understanding of and appreciation for the collaborative partnership between industry and government that is necessary to ensure air travel remains the safest mode of transportation in the world.

We urge expeditious consideration of this important nominee.


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